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Woof woof woof woof awooo!

A race brief by Jim the Dog

Ok so dad’s left me here to oversee operations while he sets up (and comes up with) another course.

First of all, thanks for all the pats at registration. Although I do have an important job to do here, I still can’t help but feel abandoned when I’m not with my main man so I appreciate those who took the time to look at my sad wee face and dish out the sympathy. Some bonus throws of my stick too, kudos folks!

Secondly, welcome to Roukenglen. My favourite park. Even better in the snow. I hope you love it too!

{rudely interupted by mum, paws for a moment till she starts talking again}

Now the course, what can I say about that??

Well, Its pretty white, cold under-paw, a bit skiddy and has lots of Acorn Heroes telling you which direction to go. Normally I’d help with course marking but there just wasn’t enough time for me to pee on every corner so just listen to my friends this time, they’ll keep you right!

{I can only apologise that mum keeps butting in like this, she’s really distracting!}


Anyway, one thing I’d like to mention is something I discovered yesterday.. Sledging!!! WooooooWoooooWooooooo!!!!!! Sorry, it gets me giddy thinking about it. Did you know that you can actually play fetch with those things?! I recommend you try it. But not today. Today you are running so be careful of sledgers and look out for dogs trying to fetch them!


Gosh, now they are trying to move me out the way, mid brief!! Wait till I tell dad about this!

{slips collar, dives into crowd, – “Into the Unknown”…. woof 🤪}


See what I did there?

Many thanks for all the food bank donations and on a more personal note, the donations made to my friends at Give A Dog A Bone. They connect lonely dogs with lonely people right here in the southside of Glasgow. As a dog who used to be lonely myself this is a cause really close to my heart. Just north of my belly. (feel free to give it a rub!) Sorry, I digress..


{Sheesh, now she’s trying to shout over me! We’ll see about that!!.. }


…..make sure your numbers are visable as you cross the line as there’s no way the timing team are going to hear Lynn shouting them out over me barking my congratulations as you finish!


Ok mum, we can do this bit together..

‘Have a great race!!!!!’


See you at the end for another shot of fetch featuring the biggest stick I can find!

(runners clap)

(cow bell rings)


Woof Woo Woof!!!!!……….

One response to “Woof woof woof woof awooo!”

  1. […] The race brief was complicated for the runners by two versions being vocalised simultaneously. One by Michelle and the other by Jim the Dog. For a transcript of Jim’s brief click here…. […]