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Duncan Macfarlane Race

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South By Five

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Duncan Macfarlane was in his day, a well-respected and accomplished runner – being part of the Victoria Park AC team, along with Scottish legend Andy Forbes, who were the only non-English team to win the English Cross County Championship. Read more about Duncan on Acorn Trails here or on Scottish Distance Running History here.

Duncan Macfarlane, being Michelle’s grandfather, is also by that measure Acorn Trails’ great-grandfather! And we are proud of that fact! Sadly he passed away at the grand old age of 97, striving as always to use his reducing mobility.

January 14th, 1921 saw the good man born just up the road near Balloch. To commemorate his 100th birthday, we were hoping to bring you an awesome trail race overlooking the shores of Loch Lomond, and past the grounds of Balloch Castle.

Obviously circumstances got in the way of that – although we do hope to bring you that epic event later in the year.

Right now we are going to celebrate virtually!

Duncan Macfarlane VIRTUAL

We are offering three distances – you can choose the Dunky (Duncan’s fondly used nickname) which is 10km, the Shirley 5km or the Macfarlane Meander. The Meander is aimed at those who may be less able to complete one of the other distances – for example injured, elderly, or mobility-impaired. Chose your own distance to suit your current level of mobility.

Shirley is Duncan’s wife – a regular volunteer at Crichton parkrun in Dumfries, this awesome 94-year lady is hopefully going to tackle the event! We hope she inspires you and others.

What do I need to do?

Run or walk your chosen distance, then submit your evidence to

This event is about celebrating Dunky’s 100th birthday! We are not going to be going through Strava or Garmin with a fine-tooth comb to check your submissions. If you want to send GPS proof, then great. If you want to send in a nice photo of your route – equally great. In fact, photos are encouraged – especially if they are of nice woodland areas. Just send us something to let us know you completed your distance, hopefully enjoyed it, and we will send you your birthday present!

How do I sign up?

Complete your entry via EntryCentral at a cost of £9 on early bird (Consider it a birthday treat from Duncan!) or £12 at full price from 22nd January (plus EC fee). The Macfarlane Meander costs £8 (plus EC fee).

What charity is the event is supporting?

Duncan was a big fan of the natural world and enjoyed nothing more than being out with his wife walking the beautiful trails of Scotland’s highlands and islands. We are using this event to support the Woodland Trust. A minimum of £2 from each entry will be donated to them, with the option for entrants to top this donation up during the entry process.

What do I get?

As a measure of our thanks for you taking part in the Duncan Macfarlane VIRTUAL, we will offer you the option to receive a buff-style face covering and a medal made from sustainably sourced wood. Should these options be declined on sign-up, we will increase our donation to the Woodland Trust. Macfarlane Meander completers will be offered a finishers buff-style face covering.




*All Virtual runs/walks MUST adhere to current Government guidelines around social distancing and travel restrictions. Failure to follow this guidance will lead to the removal from the event