True Grit
South By Five – Bellahouston Park falls in early January. Always going to be a cold one in Scotland. In the 23/24 series, the race was postponed due to a severe freeze, despite Michelle and I gritting parts of the course the night before. Fast forward 12 months and we were back in a similar position. With planned Saturday parkruns and other events in the city over the weekend falling by the wayside as early […]
South By Five – Kings Park race brief
Regulars and Old timers – make sure you read this!! New route for 2024. SX5 OUTLINE South By Five is a series of six 5k races inspired by the iconic Southside Six race. That 16-mile race visited King’s Park, Linn Park, Rouken Glen, Pollok Park, Bellahouston Park and Queen’s Park. South By Five hosts a 5k event in each of the six parks. The series offers a good selection of multi-terrain surfaces, and some original […]