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South By Five – Qx5 – race brief
South By Five – Qx5 19th January 2025 – Race Brief
South By Five is a series of six 5k races inspired by the iconic Southside Six race. That 16-mile race visited King’s Park, Linn Park, Rouken Glen, Pollok Park, Bellahouston Park and Queen’s Park.
South By Five will host a 5k event in each of the six parks. The series offers a good selection of multi-terrain surfaces, and some original Southside Six race features
ReShoes has been fantastic throughout South By Five 24/25. We’ve collected loads of pre-loved footwear that will be donated to ShoeShareMalawi.
There will be no shoe collection at Queens Park. Future shoe collections will take place at other events, or you can pop into Migo Sports at Muirend, where you’ll also get a discount off your next pair of new shoes.
Whilst there will be no shoe collection, we are collecting your pre-loved running apparel at Queens Park. We’ve teamed up with brand new CIC startup, Rerun it
As we’ve previously mentioned, we’re taking your unwanted Christmas gifts to “ReGift” on our prize table, for some of our amazing prize winners.
Please don’t be buying things specifically for this, just donate stuff that you already have.
Sx5 Awards portal
So those prizes mentioned above needs some winners!
Please head over to out prize portal and cast your votes:
In lieu of proper race entry fee we’re collecting donations for the local foodbank.
Their current listed items in need are:
UHT Milk
Tinned fish
Diluting juice
Pasta Sauce/Tinned Tomatoes
This is not an exhaustive list, all donations are welcome. Please bring to registration. Thanks
Time: Sunday 19th January 2025, 10:30am
From: Queens Park, Balvicar Drive entrance – What3Words ///dared.mole.clash
Registration: from 09:20am until 10.15am at the Wellcroft Bowling Club, 163 Queens Drive, G42 8QR ///ties.bowls.liver PLEASE ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME FOR REGISTRATION
Race brief: 10.25am on the way to the start line, half way up the Balvicar Drive hill. It’s a bit out of the prevailing wind, and weather!
Timing: Manual by race team
Numbers: Allocated on arrival. Race series numbers can be kept as a memento
Map details – Google map specific to this event
Registration will not take place at the start line. This will take place at Wellcroft Bowling Club. Please allow plenty time to register and get to the start line!
Another tweak to the route. More trail, more mud, less hills! True story….
The biggest nod to the series inspiration, The South Side Six, the Qx5 event uses the same start and finish – and the steps! However, unlike SS6, our race will not leave the park.
With a downhill start towards the main gates on Langside Road, a right turn sees the first of the hill climbs up towards the Glasshouse. A quick glimpse of views across south Glasgow before turning for a downhill trail section. And a wee uphill trail section. And a down hill trail section, and an uphill trail section…..you get the picture! It’s undulating.
A recovery run down through the grassy meadow brings you onto lap two.
On completion of the second trail loop, and nice long downhill trail section (last year’s killer hill in reverse) and then running a large loop of the park heading onward towards Victoria Rd.
Turning right at Victoria Road, up the tree avenue, and onto the famous steps. Just when you think you’re nearly done, there’s another right turn and a last hill push back to the finish line

Photo: R Goslan
There is parking around the park along Langside Drive, this is only a short walk from the registration.
The course will be marked with high viz arrows and guidance will be from the volunteer team.
They will be dotted at key points, wearing hi-viz vests because they are heroes! Listen to them, follow their instructions, say “hi” and say “thanks” – they are all volunteers there for your benefit.
If, in the unfortunate event, you need to drop out please (if able) return to race control. No-where on the course is too far away from the start/finish. If you are unable to return to race control – inform the next passing runner and/or nearest marshal immediately.
First aid will be provided by one of our awesome qualified hi-viz heroes and will be present on the course.
There is no water stop on the course. Water will be available at the finish. In an effort to reduce plastic waste, the water will be supplied from expandable water carriers. Please bring your own bottle/cup
Timing for the event is manual. Please bear with us, we’ll get the results to you as soon as we can.
Once verified they will be published to Scottish Athletics and other relevant results services.
Following the race, there will be hot soup and bread available at Wellcroft Bowling Club, whilst we collate the final series results and allocate the prizes. Please bear with us whilst we compile the results. As it is the best 5 from 6 races, it isn’t totally straight forward!
Tea and coffee will be available, and we ask for a small cash donation for this.
Pre-ordered race merch will be given out at registration.
The bar at the bowling club will also be open offering a range of drinks. Please note this is cash only. Nearest cash machine is Sainsbury’s on Victoria Road.
There are no facilities available in Queens Park. Please arrive ready to run. We shouldn’t really need to say this but…… PLEASE DO NOT USE THE PARK AS A TOILET!
There will be a small bag drop facility at registration. Items are left at owners own risk.
There are numerous local bus routes which serve the park. Check the operator websites for details.
Nearest train station is Queens Park – a short distance along Victoria Road.
RULES – short and sweet:
- Respect the marshals. They give their time so you can run!
2. Always follow the marshal’s instructions, especially at road crossings. Failure to do so could result in being disqualified
3. Running under a false name/number will result in immediate disqualification from this and all future races. If you are also a member of a running club or SAL, we reserve the right to inform them too.
4. Don’t litter. Anyone caught littering will be banned from future races and disqualified on the day.
5. The park is shared with others. Respect them and they will respect you. Smile, say hello and remember you are doing something great!
6. No dogs. The race is under SAL permit
Happy Running!
Team Acorn
Any queries, drop us a line at hello@acorntrails.run