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Clyde Stride Race Brief 2022

Please ensure you read the race brief in full. There have been tweaks and changes to the event since it was last run – most notably a new registration area and start line.


Clyde Stride registration will take place at Scotway House, 165 Castlebank Street, Glasgow, G11 6EU (///twist.holly.liked). Local buses, trains and subway serve Partick Interchange which is a short walk from Scotway House. It is poosible to park at New Lanark (£3 all day) and catch the train to the start.

Pay and display parking (not included) is available at Riverside Museum, which is again a short walk from Scotway House. There is no vehicle access to race entrants at Scotway House, and strictly no parking. Parking at Scotway House will likely result in a ticket, and possible impounding for potentially impeding emergency services access.

Registration will take place from 7.15 until 8.15 – please don’t arrive at the last second. Registration WILL close at 8.15. Please don’t be late.

There will be toilets available the start. Please do not attempt to enter the student halls building. Race entrants have no access to the building.

Race route and Navigation

Use a map if you don’t know the route. The route will be marked but it is your responsibility to navigate.

Official Clyde Walk Way Route   

Clyde Walk Way App – ANDROID Download APPLE Download

There is a couple of slight tweaks along the way from previous years. Most obvious is the start. The race will start adjacent to Scotway House, before proceeding along the pavement along Castlebank Street towards the Riverside Museum, where it will join the Clyde Walkway. It will then proceed along the path/cycleway towards the Clyde Side distillery where it meets the old route (which came over the Clyde Expressway at this point).

The total distance is measured at a touch over 60km (according to Strava!) Any previous participants will know it was never actually 40 miles! (Strava, GPX)

There are four check points along the way. These are different to advertised on Entry Central at sign-up due to ongoing and ever-changing layout of roadworks at Garrion Bridge. This also effects the relay changeover points

Our custom Google Map – click for link to a Google map of the route.

Race Start 8.30am – Scotway House, 165 Castlebank Street, G11 6EU (///twist.holly.liked).

Checkpoint 1 – Cambuslang Bridge – Leg 15km Total 15km (///shift.harder.layers, Relay leg 1– Strava, GPX LEG 1)

Drop bags, water, first aid, relay changeover point, ultra support/family welcome

Checkpoint 2 – Strathclyde Park South (not the Holiday Inn CP) – Leg 17.6km Total 32.6km  (///game.improving.races, Relay leg 2– Strava, GPX LEG 2)

Drop bags, water, first aid, relay changeover point, ultra support/family welcome, toilets (Strathclyde Park facilities, round the back of the water-sports centre, before you reach the CP. Turn right at the ice cream van!)

Checkpoint 3 – Maudslie Bridge –Leg 12.1km Total 44.7km (///fizzy.probing.annotated, Relay leg 3 – Strava, GPX LEG 3)

Drop bags, water, first aid, relay changeover point, NO ultra support/family – parking is strictly limited. For the future of the event please encourage family and friends not to come to this CP

There is a cut-off time at Check Point 3. This is for the safety and wellbeing of both runners and the marshals.

The cut off for CP3 is 3.45pm – this is generous, and allows for just over marathon distance in 7 hours!

Checkpoint 4 – Crossford (///ship.inspector.prune)

This is a water station only. There will be no drop bags available here. This is NOT a relay changeover point. Family/friends are welcome to support here, but please ensure the public car park (///handyman.nervy.widget) in the village is used not the roadside at the CP.

New Lanark – Finish – Leg 15.6km Total 60.3km (///plodding.hatter.lingering, Relay leg 4 – Strava, GPX LEG 4)

Kit bags, water, beer, soup, bread, first aid, hug.


Water will be available at all check points. Supply will be limited. DO NOT rely on this as your sole source of hydration. In the event of extreme (for Scotland) heat, additional water will be supplied on route.

Bags and drop bags

Ultra runners can have a kit bag sent to the finish. Please keep the bag as small as possible. Acorn Trails cannot accept liability for personal belongings, so please be careful what you pack. At registration, your race bib will have a tear off baggage tag attached to be attached to your kit bag.

Please do not leave items at check points if you wish to keep them. Check point staff may not be going to the finish upon completion of their role.

Ultra runners can have drop bags for checkpoints 1, 2 and 3. There is no drop bag facility for check point 4.


Drop bag instructions

Gather all your stuff together……then think again.

Chuck it all in the bag. A medium size zip loc is plenty big enough. 28x26cm ish.

Print or write your name, number and CP in bold letters on a piece of paper.

Now repeat for as many CPs as you require (not everyone wants a drop bag for all three CPs)


Scottish Athletics License

No dogs, no poles or walking aids and no pacers. Earphones MUST be removed at all road crossings on when advised by a marshal.

Mandatory kit

A foil blanket and a working mobile phone are mandatory kit. This applies to all runners, including relay runners.

Ultra runners must carry water/fluids.

A random kit check will take place on the route. Failure will result in declassification on the results for you/your team.


In the event of withdrawal please make contact with the next checkpoint marshal and hand over your timing chip. First aid is available at each check point.

Please also ensure you have the race team’s number stored in your mobile telephone (you should be carrying one) for any other emergency:

07943 838805,

07719 673930,

07947 439188

or 07900 530900.

Race team’s mobile coverage may vary, hence why we have given you four different contacts!

Please do not exit the race without letting someone know. We don’t want to have to call the police to find you, especially if you’re at home with your feet up. In the event of withdrawal transport will be offered to the finish via sweeper car. There may be a time delay. Medical backup will be on hand throughout the day. However call 999 in an emergency.

The route

Road shoes should be suitable for the route, unless there is substantial rainfall prior to the event.

Parts of the route maybe a little over grown in places with long grass and jaggies. There is a section prior to Crossford with a good healthy crop of cow parsley – this is not to be mistaken for the larger more dangerous, Giant Hogweed. If in doubt do not touch the local flora!

There are several busy road crossings on the route. Please take care. There will be marshals, but they are not empowered to stop the traffic – they are however empowered to stop you, until they decide it is safe to cross. No earphones at road crossings.

There are various shops, hostelries and ice cream vans along the route. You may wish to carry some cash to treat yourself along the way.

Route Diversion

Due to over running works on the Walkway at Shawfield (originally scheduled to end last week) we have a short diversion. This is not far after Glasgow Green, at 7km. This involves a pedestrian crossing controlled road crossing. This is a busy road. Cross only at the Green Man signal. This crossing will be marshalled. Runners not waiting for the Green Man, will be noted and will face declassification from the results. This is for your safety.

Timing and results

Times will be recorded electronically. Each runner will wear an ankle tag which will automatically pick up timing points at the CP.

Relay runners will be required to swap their tag to the next runner at changeover.

Relay team will also be issued with a GPS tracker for their team. This will enable teams to track their runners, which should make changeovers easier to manage. Particularly with the limited parking available to relay teams at CP3 Maudslie Bridge.

So just a wee reminder to relay teams – runners will be required to carry a foil blanket, mobile phone and GPS tracker. We’d recommend carrying water too.


There are prizes from event sponsors ESS and Migo Sports. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female. Also age category prizes in V50 and V60. Relay prizes for 1st place Male/Female/Mixed teams.

Post Race

Soup, bread and beer available to all finishers.

There is an hourly bus service from New Lanark to Lanark train station. The last bus is at 16.39, after which it’s an uphill walk, or a local taxi.

Trains back from Lanark to Partick are every half-hour from Lanark, change at Cambuslang. Cost is £8.40 single.

Transport from New Lanark back to reality is not included in our entry.


Race Entry Numbers

Forename Surname Gender Age Cat RaceNumber
Mark Stuart Male MS 1
Sharon Houston Female F40 2
John Sutch Male M40 3
Neil Gracie Male M40 4
Kay Guccione Female F40 5
Peter Harkness Male M50 6
Bryan Gregg Male M40 7
Stuart Geddes Male M40 8
Anne Glass Female F50 10
Simon Marshall Male MS 11
Ralph Hogg Male MS 12
Tania Duffy Female F40 13
Ewan Kerr Male M40 14
Paul Hunter Male M40 15
Don Morrison Male M40 16
Alastair MacSween Male M50 17
Gail Tennant Female F40 18
Michael Craig Male M50 19
Grant Jeans Male MS 20
Maria Mott Female F40 21
Bobby Wotherspoon Male M40 22
Ted Mcpake Male M40 23
Graham Lang Male MS 24
Richard Stark Male M60 25
John Leitch Male MS 26
Sandy Orr Male M50 27
Philip O’Neil Male M50 28
James Long Male M50 29
David Blane Male M50 30
James Keenan Male MS 31
Christine McGinley Female F40 32
Neil Halliday Male M40 33
Paul Young Male M50 34
keith mulraney Male M50 35
Donna Gillon Female F50 36
Susan Stewart Female FS 37
Garry Smith Male M40 38
Gary Tompsett Male M50 39
Charlie Dykeslie Female FS 40
Liam Mcgregor Male M40 41
Iain Christie Male MS 42
Lorne Crawford Male M50 43
Sam Hampton-Smith Male M40 44
Clark Burrell Male MS 45
Lewis Cleland Male MS 46
Helena Bryce Female F50 47
Staci Rennie Female FS 48
Iain MacDonald Male M40 49
Emily Jackson Female FS 50
Bryan Mulgrew Male MS 51
Stefano Michelini Male M50 52
Lynsey Fraser Female F40 53
Laurence Egan Male M40 54
Gerry Craig Male M50 55
Joseph Goldie Male M40 56
Alan Brown Male M50 57
DAVID GOW Male M40 58
Jason Vanderhovel Male MS 59
Alyson Macpherson Female F60 60
Steven McAllister Male MS 61


Team Name Category
Team Lawesome Mixed
Maryhillbillies Mixed
Marydolls Male
Return of the MAC Female
Jog Lanark Young Ones Female
John Muir’s Granny Mixed
Maryoverthehill Female
Run Rhaw Angels Female
Run Crabbit Run Mixed
Thighs The Limit Mixed
Tinto Hill Runners Mixed
parkrun patter merchants Male
Corra Linn Crawlers Mixed


Read more about the Clyde Stride here