Migo Mile for June

Migo Mile for June

A Good Sunday Morning It is fantastic to be back. Back putting races on, and back with Migo Mile. Having hosted the Virtual Migo Mile during the lockdown years, this is our first time hosting the “in-person” Migo Mile as Acorn Trails (previous editions were hosted by The Run Bible) Back to basics, and trying to get the event back into people’s thoughts and calendars, we had just 20 runners sign up for this free […]


Migo Mile
Migo Mile for March

Migo Mile for March

Migo Mile For March March motored by! The Clyde Stride Ultra Marathon ballot took place and with the virtual South By Five in full swing, the Migo Mile for March was soon upon us. With glimmers of light appearing at the end of the tunnel, we hope this will have been the penultimate virtual version. All being well, in contrast to May 2020 being our first virtual, hopefully May 21, will see us host the […]