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A long way…A virtual John Muir Way

A long challenge. A full month long. One hundred and thirty miles long. Two hundred and fifteen kilometres long. The length of the John Muir Way long. That was our virtual challenge for April.

How to make it a challenge?

For some, this distance was not and is not too much of a challenge. For others it was within their grasp. The perfect monthly target. A way to push themselves just a little further than they might usually run. For those who didn’t find the overall distance a challenge, they added their own twist. Completing the distance in 10 days – an average half marathon a day – even then wasn’t challenge enough for one runner. Victor McGregor completed the challenge in a total time of 16.50.37, the equivalent to average of 1.39 for each of those half marathons!

Other ways to make it more difficult, not necessarily on purpose, was to leave it late to complete. I somehow managed to find myself into the last week requiring to run 100km. A couple of runners forgot April only had 30 days….no names eh Ruth?

An event report

I enjoy writing the event report. Sometimes (let’s say every time) it takes longer than it should. Like this. We’re galloping through May, and I’m sat in a cold beer garden with dysfunctional wifi trying to conjure up the essence of the event. It’s not hard though. In previous virtual events we have had you guys email in your event evidence – Strava screenshots, Garmin links etc, but at Acorn HQ we love a good photo! And for this one, we got them by the bucket load. It’s been fantastic.

We’ve had the idea of a Facebook group since we started Acorn Trails. But a group is only as good as it’s members. They need to post and engage.  It was great when one of our Acorns messaged us to suggest such a group. Thanks Louise 😊

The Acorn Trails Pinboard, is not solely for the Virtual John Muir Way, but it has been born from that. It has allowed us to see so many more pictures of the places and trails on which you guys run. Hopefully it continues to grow and allows you all to interact and share some great trail suggestions, as well as your Acorn Trails event and race photos.

Those photos

Here’s a collation of some of our personal favourites from the month. It seems so long since we started this one. I’ve really enjoyed looking back through the month and seeing how much you all enjoyed it. If we missed your photo, it’s nothing personal! We just had so many to choose from! We loved them all 🙂

Variety – the spice

As I am sure you will have seen from these few photos, the event attracted a huge range of folks. From Munro summiteers to Couch to 5kers. From Orkney to Loughborough, and far and wide as Oregon and Ontario!! We even had Kristian De La Cour take part. Kristian holds the Fastest Known Time for running the complete John Muir Way unsupported. And he holds this record for both directions! James Stewart broke Kristian’s time for the complete journey but had support on the way. Both very epic achievements.

There was also quite a lot of dogs  – who make especially good photos. Jim The Dog says we must have a wee shout out and bum sniff for Acorn regulars Coll and Midge!


Another great plus, and another enjoyment is creating good merch.

As you will all know we understand not everyone wants a medal or another tshirt in their wardrobe. It is a personal choice. Some runners love a medal. I know I do. Others prefer a tshirt. Our eco-centric approach has us offer and encourage the option of planting a tree in the Scottish Highlands rewilding project. We also know that runners do need tshirts, so we also offer them. And the Virtual John Muir Way tshirt is a cracker – as is the medal! I can see from the comments on social media that you agree. From my design concepts to the finished designs looking nice and polished, I need to thank Sam, who made it look amazing.

I mentioned those rewilding trees…This event planted another 29 trees. Also we made donations totalling £167 to John Muir Trust and the Green Action Trust. I recommend a quick read up on both these organisations and the amazing work they do to enable us to enjoy the trails.

What Next?

Simple answer – Five For Fibro. It kicked off today and is a simply wee event. Run 5k!

Too simple? Maybe for some of you, but we’re partnering with More Than Fibro. They are an organisation who support people with fibromyalgia. For some of these folk running 5k may not be the easiest of tasks or even possible at all.

Five For Fibro offers two options “Fast” and “Friendly”. The “Fast” option will include a results table. The “Friendly” option doesn’t event need to be 5k. It can be “Five” of whatever you want – five friends, five coffees, five kids, five buffs (John!), just as long as it is Five!

Guess how much it costs? Spot on..a fiver!

Find out more and sign up at

“Real” events

Permissions pending we have “real” events coming soon too. Watch our social media closely for details. They may end up being a bit “pop-up” (that’s the last of the “” in the blog, and this is also the last set of brackets!!) and sell out quicky. Acorn Running Club members will get their exclusive 24 hours early access to any events we have coming up. One of the many benefits to membership. Read more at