Qx5 report

Qx5 report

It’s over. Wait what? How did that happen. Another South By Five come and gone. Absolutely flown by! And already looking forward to the next one! The Finale The last race saw us head to Queens Park. The start and finish of the inspiration South Side Six race. True to heritage Qx5 keeps to that start and finish….so don’t blame me for those steps and that hill finish. Blame South Side Six! What you can […]


Absolutely Febulous – InterCity

Absolutely Febulous – InterCity

InterCity Absolutely Febulous got off to a racing start, with our virtual Edinburgh to Glasgow Relay challenge, InterCity. Racing snakes, mud hogs, and hill lovers alike took off from the start line in “Edinburgh” and headed west towards the setting sun of “Glasgow”. By the end of the week competitors had completed over 1000km between them (997km, but two did not report in, so we’ll use poetic license and assume they completed 3km between them!). […]


Plan B at EMF

Plan B at EMF

Hi Niece, When we started out with the idea of doing a 10k and HM on consecutive weekends, it was going to be Kirkcudbright HM. Then all our plans were thrown into disarray by Number One Son, who – can you believe this – set his wedding date without consulting our race calendar! Scandalous. 😲 Plan B Plan B was Edinburgh HM, which gave us a whole day to recover from the hangovers, over-eating of […]