The Trails of Wrath

The Trails of Wrath

There’s a few things I learnt on Cape Wrath Trail. Over 5 days and 4 nights of solo adventure running, I got as far as the Glencoul bothy –  335km, less than 60 km short from the finish. 1. There is no trail on Cape Wrath! It’s more of a navigational/orienteering challenge. What trail there is, it’s under a bog, water, covered in bracken, heather or eroded away to a very thin slit of a […]


Four or Forty for Scottish Autism

Four or Forty for Scottish Autism

It wasn’t Clyde Stride. For some it wasn’t an ultra. But it was something we wanted to do. We wanted to put on an event to support Scottish Autism. They were the chosen charity partner for the 2021 edition of the Clyde Stride Ultra Marathon. A Virtual Event We had already decided, during the planning phase, that the full ultra would be accompanied by a 4 mile virtual event. This was based on the feedback […]