The Sad Demise Of The Small Race Trophy
Hi Coach In the absence of negative feedback, I’m assuming (tacit) permission to treat you as an ‘alternate audience’ when my usual audience (Running Niece) is in the same race at Mabie Forest😊 Mabie 10k Trail Race. 10/06/18 Is there a setting more beautiful but still eminently accessible, than Mabie Forest? This wee race has to be one of the best ever. We’ve entered every year since we started racing…6 years now…and it was the […]

Strathspey Double
Hi Coach One of the amusing things we (Planman and me) realised early in our running ‘career’ is that when normal (not runners) people ask you about your race, they really don’t want any more than ‘it was good, thanks’. Eyes glaze over and interested smiles become fixed and (if you persist) painful when you actually tell them. Nothing like the gritted teeth of a desperate, fixed smile to cure you of sharing the detail, […]

Plan B at EMF
Hi Niece, When we started out with the idea of doing a 10k and HM on consecutive weekends, it was going to be Kirkcudbright HM. Then all our plans were thrown into disarray by Number One Son, who – can you believe this – set his wedding date without consulting our race calendar! Scandalous. 😲 Plan B Plan B was Edinburgh HM, which gave us a whole day to recover from the hangovers, over-eating of […]

Semi Marathon de Paris
Hi Niece 😀 You know how people always seem to start races with all their excuses for why they aren’t going to be very good today? Well Uncle Planman and me were trotting along on the ‘easy 2 miles’ start of a ‘hard long run’ today chatting about Paris and I said I thought our times were probably a good indicator of our fitness at the moment, since we didn’t really have any excuses to […]

Annan River Race
Dear Niece One of the rubbish things about losing ground on your fitness is feeling unreasonably tired for an unreasonably long time after a race. No way I’m agreeing it’s old age 😂 Track on Thursday night (4 days after the DUNE HM, big hills, blizzards etc) was an exercise in grim determination, a time pyramid 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min for […]

Hi Niece They bill this one as DUNE, the Cross Border Half Marathon (no passport required – yet!) and there’s no sand in sight. The name is because it goes to Dundalk (DU) in the south of Ireland from Newry (NE) in the north. It’s always a bit chancy entering races in early February…and sure enough the weather forecast had been pretty daunting; snowy, breezy and zero degrees (feels like minus 4) according to the […]