Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7

Migo Mile for August It was a small turn out for the August Migo Mile. A consequence of a busy few days of racing in the local area: Canal Canter from Springburn Harriers on Thursday, then 3K on The Green and the Bellahouston 10k on Friday. Saturday brought the OUT-Run in Glasgow’s West End, and the awesome Tom Robb Memorial Trail Race in the Carron Valley. Magnificent 7 The small field led to runners experiencing […]


Migo Mile For July

Migo Mile For July

A Horrible Wee Race Another month, another Migo Mile – and a new tag line! It is well know that the 3K On The Green is known as “The best wee race in Scotland”. After today’s event, we’ve been dubbed “A horrible wee race”!! There was the addendum “But I loved it”. We’ll definitely take that – “A Horrible Wee Race That You’ll Love” – thanks Barry 🙂 For such a wee race we had […]


Migo Mile
Migo Mile for March

Migo Mile for March

Migo Mile For March March motored by! The Clyde Stride Ultra Marathon ballot took place and with the virtual South By Five in full swing, the Migo Mile for March was soon upon us. With glimmers of light appearing at the end of the tunnel, we hope this will have been the penultimate virtual version. All being well, in contrast to May 2020 being our first virtual, hopefully May 21, will see us host the […]


Migo Mile
Migo Mile For February

Migo Mile For February

Migo Mile Migo Mile for February ran alongside the last week’s challenge of Absolutely Febulous, Short and Sweet. This challenge was to run a mile, so tied in well with Migo Mile with a few doubling up to do both. February can be a variable month for weather. Three years ago, saw the Beast From The East bury Glasgow in snow late February. That would have made an interesting race report! Fortunately for 2021 the […]


Absolutely Febulous – Short and Sweet

Absolutely Febulous – Short and Sweet

Short and Sweet Short and Sweet brings February and Absolutely Febulous to a close. For those that have completed the full month of challenges, I bet there has been a small sigh of relief. We hope you have had fun during the month, and that your speedy finish during Short and Sweet was not a desperate dash for the finish line! Some of you cleverly combined your Short and Sweet mile with the Migo Mile […]