Staying strong in 2021
Staying strong in 2021 January is a good time for setting goals and a plan for the year ahead – be it entering an event or creating your own adventure. Alongside specific goals in terms of speed or distance, you might want to think about adding some resolutions about weekly mileage, making an effort to run with a friend or family, doing more yoga and stretching – and of course, some strength & conditioning to […]

Goals for 2021??
Setting goals for 2021… why bother? Usually during the Christmas holidays I enter races and make my plan for the year ahead. But given the current situation, I can’t bring myself to enter any events. I just don’t see the point in getting excited about an event for it to be cancelled nearer the time! So what to train for, what goals to set? Should we even bother thinking about goals for 2021? One thing […]

Romy is running with Colin…
Colin Thomas is running with Romy It’s Monday lunchtime and I’m meeting Colin Thomas for a run and a chat. I was a bit worried about being able to keep up when I looked up his times – his 10K PB is under 33 minutes! But Colin is nice and keeps the pace easy. I’ve thought of some questions so in between catching my breath I throw them at him and try and let him […]

A Hip Runner
Running with Paddy Bayliss It’s a bright Saturday morning, clear skies and sunshine, but cold – autumn has definitely kicked in. I’m driving to Clydebank to meet Paddy Bayliss for a chat and a run around the Kilpatrick Hills. I like getting to know other runners. Hearing their stories, talking about PBs, races, why they love to run, and other things that we have in common. During our run we realize that Paddy and me […]

Lockdown Running With Romy
A Lockdown Runner I lace up my trainers and start running down my street. It’s Tuesday lunchtime, and I’m heading out for a 8k loop around the area. I’ve been working from home for the last 12 years and I like to take a mental break halfway through my day to run errands or train. For the first few blocks running feels fine but then I’m hit by the dread and boredom of the tarmac. […]

Clews Lockdown Streak
Colin Clews celebrates 150 days of running every day Last week I went to see my friend and massage therapist Colin Clews in Renfrew for a leg rub. He himself hasn’t had a proper massage since lockdown. “Usually I go and see one of my therapist colleagues, but everyone has been so busy since we’ve been allowed to get back to work, I didn’t want to impose,” he told me. His legs must really need […]